Low Income Super Changes Will Benefit Women

Women are disadvantaged by the superannuation system in Australia, regularly retiring on lower incomes than men.  This imbalance is being addressed by The Senate Economic References Committee.

“Australia’s retirement income system…structurally favours higher income earners who work full-time, without breaks, for the entirety of their working life,” the report stated. “Women are more likely to work in lower paid roles and lower paid fields, are more likely to work part-time or casually, and are more likely to take breaks from paid employment to provide unpaid care for others. “Over their lifetimes, as a consequence, they will earn significantly less than men.””

Australia’s retirement income system…structurally favours higher income earners who work full-time, without breaks, for the entirety of their working life,” the report stated. “Women are more likely to work in lower paid roles and lower paid fields, are more likely to work part-time or casually, and are more likely to take breaks from paid employment to provide unpaid care for others. “Over their lifetimes, as a consequence, they will earn significantly less than men.” – See more at:

Australia’s retirement income system…structurally favours higher income earners who work full-time, without breaks, for the entirety of their working life,” the report stated. “Women are more likely to work in lower paid roles and lower paid fields, are more likely to work part-time or casually, and are more likely to take breaks from paid employment to provide unpaid care for others. “Over their lifetimes, as a consequence, they will earn significantly less than men.” – See more at: